Passing pat
Passing Pat
Our whole life we lived for making our future bright but we never doubted that isn't our present life so dark just because we always lived in the past and made things for the future?
You know there are no rules in life until you make some for yourself. Life is different just as we want but not exactly with the people we think.
All these years we lived life king size ya till then we realized we weren't the king since we worked like slaves for almost half of our lives and at last, when a new disease hugs us, we actually shake hands with reality. We meet the reality and are left with nothing that we always ran for because no amount of money is going to cure you and no doctor is god.
It's easy for us to praise people when they worship success but it's not the same in case of the ones who just left failures and moved ahead in life because eventually they failed to be what society expected them to be and now their efforts are wasted.
We always got our hairs for granted until it starts speaking colors since we fooled around from making them black with dyes to white for our kids and silver for our grandkids. We built houses for our own shelter but when we grow old we realize that we had our kids living with us too so why not get them to knowledge about the house they lived in and are living in. That's what gets us back and we win that too but in the wrong way. We again put all our efforts to someone who is somebody to us, we always give value to the ones who are going to return us the same value we invest in, we move on without appreciating ourselves and again we lose for ourselves and let others think that we are the winners who never painted failures in the art of life.
We would pass all the pats to the ones who are important in our life and never got ourselves praised!
Love, money, and people vanish and you are only left with you, who has never tasted praise and loses hopes for living life, you give up on yourself and again life wins, you lose.
Fall in love for success but don't forget to adore yourself and praise your efforts even if you fail because we remember our failures more than our success!
-Tangled teenager
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