It's hard. It's hard to be hard and it's also hard when when are too weak. Being a human is hard because you won't find thing easy is you want to survive. To find a space is hard and to find people to fit in to your space is also hard. Nothing seems easy when you want thing be the way you think they exist.
Sometimes you will make things hard for yourself and won't realise that too soon because you find your self being hard. Parents do say that nothing comes your way easy but it's so hard to accept this fact becuase they work hard all their lives to make things easy for us. They take their dreams down to make our dreams count and when they do it's hard for us to tackle the later hard things where we have to face our problems ourselves.
Why aren't we taught that it's okay to have hard days?
Why do we still find ourselves being too hard on ourselves?
I still remember I was 12 year old when I was palying with my best friends born brother and I said, ''Don't grow up, you have to study a lot." I knew he didn't understand what I spoke but today when I look back at that day I understand the true meaning of those said words which were a struggle for kids of my age. But now I m not the same, my struggles, my goals, my views, and my undertandings have altered and the reason is that I grew up.
We grow and and we learn, we forget and we live that's life. But have we ever stopped our selves and thought what if we were never at the place were we are today? Would we be the same person with the same goals, same idealogy, have the same parents and friends and most importantly the same life?
Maybe we never want to replace things we have and we know what and how it would be if we did replace things accordingly! We would never be us. Replacing is so hard and so if accepting but that's life. We ll make every hard thing easy as time passes but we ll never replace because that will always be hard.
I like it becoz is hard to not be hard