New Heights


New Heights

Have you ever stood at a certain height? 

Or have ever thought about how must be the view from a height? 

If no then maybe you are not aware that people surrounding you are going to achieve some heights in their life someday and if yes, that you had any of these questions someday in your life then maybe you crave those heights. 

We never knew we are going to be a big child one day and go to school, go to college and land a job, get married and the worst best part grows old. In our school the teachers used to teach us, they gave us the hopes for getting more people like them to guide us in further classes ahead and we did pass 10th the same way with the same kind of help, in college the very first day you get to know how much freedom you have got and how much freedom you can probably have. That's the first time you get to know that making friends is your only survival for your existence and we do, we do make friends and there too we struggle to be hanging with them, bunking class with them,  and struggling with them we also hit 12th the most crucial phase of college. 

That is the only point you get to know how bad friendships can get you. Some leave you like they never knew you and some whom you never knew will make you feel you never hanged with them but they know you. Suddenly your numbers, grades start to make more importance in your life. As you go ahead you'll realize going ahead is the only option you are left with and yes that makes sure you are going to achieve heights. 

One day just stands at a height no matter how successful or unsuccessful you are and just take a look of 360 degrees around, take a deep breath and let the wind push you. Do you know how it feels?

It feels so good that no one, not even you can make yourself feel that good. And why is that?

Because there is no one else to stand with you, you are by yourself and you might feel great at the beginning and yes you do but this makes you feel so lonely after a certain time you know why?

Because when you reach the height you only find people who can be with you and you are the one who chooses them to be. You can look downside and feel how far you have come skipping all those hurdles and feel great for that but soon you realize many fewer people will have a look at you because they find people who can be with them. Though you have come from the same place where you might be seeing from heights but you lose connection after being at height. And why is that so?

The only reason is when we were at the bottom we always craved for heights and we never made the best out of that moments there so we never got to know the importance of being at the bottom and then touching heights. 

So the only moral is that make the fullest out of the place where you are and do crave for heights because not everyone touches height and if you ever feel to prove yourself wrong then just meet a person who was at a height and now is at the place where you are standing at the bottom!

     "Everything that looks good at the top won't be as good at it seems to be from the bottom." 

                                                                                                       -tangled teenager


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