Closing choices


The story is a story itself until and unless we want to be a character in it. And if your character prevails a strong disposition than perfectly people are going to love you in your story. 
Opening the door of your heart if you allow a person to enter in then you are perfectly in love until you make them happy to abide for a long. If you have an amazing job to do you perfectly are happy. And that's your story basically. But what if you are not what you were. You lost yourself but won in front of others.
This win is never going to fetch you happiness but still, we are just ready for it as we cant and never go against society and nor did anyone! Has love given us freedom or we just thought that its high time we have been alone so why not share some hopes, secrets, dreams, fears, and doubts. And restrict the other opposite partner from doing all those things they always wanted to do with us. So basically we ruined their life as we got them dragged to our heart saying we love them the whole universe, celebrated every birthday in small budget and later fight on it, regret on the choices we made, remember every month anniversary though we never remember our family members birthday, we did that all though we had a choice of just being alone. But no! We love being with someone and spending all day listening to the same voice from the same face, cuddling and sharing a bed and sleeping uncomfortably the whole night with the arms numb but no we want someone to be with us the whole time just for some posts, likes, Insta story, FB Status, Whatsapp DP, and trying some Snapchat filters which says 'TRY WITH FRIENDS'. 
Maybe or maybe not we ruined our time, their time, our moods, their moods, our comfort zone, their comfort zone, our habits, their habits, our fb status, their FB status so in all we not been single ruin many things! And the best part we miss them, we could have said no and be just friends but no we loved being eve-teased and apparently fake blush for it. 
We closed things, situations, feelings, people, memories that were close to us. 
Why aren't we happy alone? 
What is that we can't do alone?
Where have we lost ourselves?
 How are we just changing every bit of us unknowingly?
Who is making us fall in love with every right person who is wrong for us in the end?
No more questions, no more answers as we never question ourselves about the answers we must have!
Let's not forget we opened the books of our life alone, we'll live every chapter alone, we'll reach to god alone, recite our story alone, regret for our rest of life alone, and we'll die alone.
But we mess our life going beyond our destiny, testing every situation, ruling every circumstance, and got back to god complaining about it.

"We always got the wrong things done thinking we couldn't do it in the right way." 
- Tangled Teenager


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